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501 Issues on 11 CD-ROMs
Published on January 5, 2005 By russellmz2 In Entertainment
Saw this lying around in Best Buy after Christmas. Forty bucks for 16,000 pages worth of Amazing Spider-Man comics in PDF format (although it includes adverts). Everything looks pretty good, my only regret is that I bought the first 10-issue Spider-Man collection on CD months ago. Guess I can give that one away. Other reviews complain that there is some crinkling at the edges and yellowing of pages in some of the older issues, but who cares? Everything is highly legible so far.

The only annoying things are the images are a bit too big for my monitor when I first opened the files. By hitting Ctrl-L in Adobe Acrobat Reader, I can just fit the comic using my whole screen without scrolling, although occasionally I have to lean in a bit to read some of the smaller text. And some stories are concluded in non-Amazing Spider-Man comics, ending with lines like "See the conclusion in 'Peter Parker' #whatever," which are not included. But otherwise, it's money well spent: according to one review in the online Chicago Tribune, finding and owning the entire collection would cost tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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Image generated by putting a screenshot into the ASCII Generator
Oh, and there is a big "Marvel" watermark on every page. Not visible enough to be distracting, but a blemish on an otherwise high-quality image. Also, the CDs are in a giant box but they aren't in jewel cases, but those stupid paper sleeves. Sigh.

Goes from Spider-Man's debut in The Amazing Fantasy #15, all the way to the 500th issue from December 2003. I am well into the '70s comics, having read the reprints of the '60s in my local Barnes and Nobles. No longer will I be a graphic novel leecher! (That's a lie, there are plenty other comics I can read without paying...but only after I get through these 11 CDs)

By the way how do you guys like the ASCII art? I hate that we have to host images offsite, and I wonder if it's an adequate substitute.

on Jan 05, 2005
I like the ascii art And in my experience pdf is a poor format for comic books. But other then that, enjoy your new collection
on Jan 05, 2005

the pdfs are ok, the main problem is that a monitor is wide while a page is tall. so i have to keep it shrunk to avoid scrolling up and down. oh well, can't have everything.

btw, i forgot to ask, is the spidey ascii causing any major scrolling? in firefox it's ok but in ie i have to click once to the right. maybe moving the links bar to the right will work...
on Jan 05, 2005
Wow, nice image. And what a find. I love Spiderman too. I used to love watching the old cartoons when I was a child. Whenever I see the newer version on one of those cartoon channel and I start singing the old song I remembered as a child, my son looks at me weird, if only he knew where he got his love of cartoon & animation from!

The starting of the song goes: "Spiderman, Spiderman, friendly neighborhood Spiderman, spins a web anytime, catch a thief just like that, look out, here comes the Spiderman..." Boy, brings back memories.
on Jan 06, 2005
catch a thief just like that

It was "...catches thieves...just like flies...Lookout! Here comes the Spider-Man!"

I used to watch the 1967 series in reruns on an independent station in the '70s, WPGH TV53 in Pittsburgh. Now it's a Fox affiliate. ~sigh~
They ran it after school in a block with "The Incredible Hulk" and "The Avengers" cartoons, as I recall. The animation sucked in the others, but the Spidey cartoons were fully animated, something rare for the late '60s when it was produced.
They all ran right after "Ultraman." Anybody remember that one?