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Two PC games I can't wait for!
Published on February 23, 2004 By russellmz2 In PC Gaming
Running for President and making movies: two things I will never be able to afford to do. Hell, the number of people who did both can probably be counted on a pair of hands. Both look like they are going to be great fun in games though.

The Movies

The Gamespy preview for The Movies describes a lot of cool stuff. Some of the stuff I hope make it in/they keep are:
  • Actors age through the decades
  • Semi-historical timeline events like a World War in the 40s will affect the studio you run
  • You can upload your own movie and view other people's movie
  • Modding will allow scripts, scenes, props, etc.
  • Sex/Violence sliders so you can determine how a scene goes (thankfully, the little on screen people keep their clothes on no matter what)

The Political Machine

The Political Machine description is too big to list. But some stuff I like so far include "The qualities of a candidate" and "The National Media".

Qualities like home state, minority appeal, military service, comeliness, and charisma are attributes you can pick. The National Media includes The O’Maley Factor, Barbara Sawyer, 60 Seconds, and!).

Accurate demographic data will be included to make it realistic and interesting.

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